
We Indians are fond of sweets and the reason being their incalculable varieties.

There are so many varieties of rice pudding prepared in our country. Every state, every community has its own method and a special name to it.

Phirni is one such rice pudding. Phirni is little different from the 'chawal ki kheer'. Unlike kheer, Phirni is thicker n more creamier. Served in earthen flat cups called Shikora or Chikora or Bhaan gives it a great taste and texture.


Serves 6-8 (depends on the size of your earthen cup)


1ltr full cream milk( I used Amul Gold)
1/2 cup Uncooked Rice( I used Basmati) 
1/2 tsp Elaichi/Cardamom powder
8-10 strands of Saffron/Kesar
1/2 cup Sugar
Few Pistachios for garnish

  • Wash the rice twice with water and soak it for 30 minutes.
  • Once soaked remove all water and spread the rice on a clean kitchen towel to air dry. This should take about 10 minutes.
  • Now start boiling the milk in a heavy bottom vessel on high flame. After the first boil turn the flame low and keep stirring occasionally.
  • Once the rice are air dryed, put them in small mixer jar and grind to little coarse powder. This will take 4-5 pulses.
  • Now add this rice powder to boiling milk slowly and stir else the rice will form lumps.
  • Now add sugar, saffron and elaichi powder. Let it cook for 15 -20 minutes. Keep stirring occasionally.
  • The final consistency of firni is thicker than kheer. When you drop it from laddle into the pan it should take it's place.
  • Switch off the flame and transfer into earthen cups. Garnish with pistachios.
  • Refrigerate for 4-5 hours and then serve.
  • Soak the Shikoras/Bhaan for 3-4 hours in water prior use.
  • Remove them from water after soaking and let them air dry.
This dish is very easy to make and appealing to serve.

Festivals are round the corner. Why don't you try making this ? 

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Till then,

Stay Happy Stay Healthy!


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